Back to School, But Different: Embracing a Journey of Thought and Transformation | University of St.Gallen MBA

Back to School, But Different: Embracing a Journey of Thought and Transformation

10 Oct 2023


It all started one month ago with a dynamic first week, navigating across various concepts from high-performing teams and effective leadership to a global business environment and value creation. Despite the heavy rain, it was a great opportunity to get to know one another and prove ourselves as ambitious teammates during the Scavenger hunt. 

The excitement grew even more once we met the professors with outstanding academic profiles, and true role models, leading the courses in an interactive manner by promoting engagement and reflection. The support team was there, too, encouraging us and willing to make our start great.

Openness, curiosity, eagerness to exchange, ability to listen and to challenge were values and competencies observed consistently within the class.

Learning from the best and teaming up with like-minded individuals having multicultural and diverse professional backgrounds seem the best formula to embark with enthusiasm on a transformation journey both on a personal and professional level.

It feels good to be back to school, but this time learning how to think in order to find solutions by leveraging insights and appropriate tools, and not being taught what professors think, as Dr. Stefan Legge has well stated.