The new full-time MBA is about everyone becoming the best version of themselves

Sander intends to move students from being specialists to becoming managers; from looking solely at their own performance to considering that as part of an entire team. He’ll take a “strengths-based” approach, opting to sharpen existing skills over attempting to mitigate deficiencies. Under Sander’s watch, everyone gets to flourish by becoming the best version of themselves.

The Part-time MBA journey

The Part-Time MBA is designed for people with a few years of work experience under their belts and a desire to move ahead in their careers. With only one course per month, the programme allows students to be masters of their schedules as they juggle work and play.

Case competition wins

Did you know: in recent years teams from the University of St.Gallen MBA have won both the Financial Times MBA Quiz hosted at the FT headquarters in London (2017 & 2018) and the International Finance Challenge hosted at SDA Bocconi in Milan (2019)?