Setting Sail: The Start of My Two-Year MBA Journey at HSG | University of St.Gallen MBA

Setting Sail: The Start of My Two-Year MBA Journey at HSG

10 Oct 2023

Lisa Christine

The last week of August marked the beginning of my 2-year journey of the Part-time MBA at HSG. I was very excited to meet all the people and finally start with the courses after the multi-stage admission process. Getting to know each other in such a short time was quite intense. 

People display remarkable openness, and a strong sense of companionship has already emerged as a result of group collaboration, the provided communication platforms, and post-class activities. It’s great to be part of this ambitious group of like-minded people. The HSG staff is very friendly and always willing to assist with any concerns. They are dedicated to helping students succeed.

The classes offered diverse information and were enriched with numerous real-world examples to illustrate complex concepts. Interaction between classmates and the lecturer is highly valued, and the assignments served as an excellent means to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

In our program, we will have the opportunity to connect with numerous industry experts, granting us valuable insights into both the industry and the company. I am eagerly looking forward to this.

Upon applying for the MBA program, my primary objective was to acquire knowledge and prepare myself for upcoming challenges in the domains of finance, strategy, and leadership. 

I understood the networking opportunities, but I underestimated their significance. They are undeniably exceptional.

The first week has proved that the MBA program is enriching my personal growth. I am filled with curiosity and eagerly anticipate continuing this academic journey with the PT MBA 2025 cohort.